The much-awaited Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition has hit the retail and online stores in India at Rs. 40,800 on June 10. Touted to be the successor of GTX 970, the new GPU offers advanced features and specifications to provide an exciting experience for gamers. In the online space, the GeForce GTX 1070 is available with Amazon India, PrimeABGB, and MDComputers.
Even though the official price of GTX 1070 is fixed a Rs. 40,800, the new graphics card is currently selling at an inflated price of Rs. 45,999 on Amazon India, which is widely criticized by gaming enthusiasts directly on Amazon itself.
However, PrimeABGB is selling the graphics card at a highly competitive price of Rs. 38,999, MDComputers priced the new graphics card at the price announced by the company. We expect the price of GeForce GTX 1070 to decrease with the addition of more sellers on Amazon.
Based on Nvidia’s new Pascal architecture, the GTX 1070 features 8GB GDDR5 VRAM at 180W. It provides the capability to deliver games at an incredible speed and customers will be able to enjoy an ultimate gaming experience, which they have never seen with other competing cards.
The GeForce GTX 1070 features a base speed of 1506MHz, which can crank up to 1683MHz. With support for DirectX 12 and Open GL 4.5, the new GTX 1070 includes three HDMI display ports, in addition, to support for DL-DVI. The cooling operation is performed using a built-in blower and provides support for dual-link DVI.
The new Pascal platform integrated with GeForce GTX 1070 has the capability to deliver up to 3x the performance of the currently available graphics card coupled with new gaming technologies including support for VR.
Regarding performance, the GTX 1070 outshines GTX 970 in all departments of Virtual Reality, Rise of the Tomb Raider and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by boosting speed and power efficiency. The new card is designed in such a way to provide a cooler performance by integrating a sleek angle design.
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