3D TV seems to be the ultimate expression of this. Of course content
providers want a new product to sell us. Of course gadget hounds want a
3D TV in their living room.
But does that mean every TV in the developed world will one day be 3D?
Visualizing this stuff is the key, which is why shows like Star Trek
and movies like Minority Report are always hailed as the creators of the
vision we all hold dear when it comes to technology.
This short clip aims to do just that, and I think it does a fantastic job.
Technologies like flexible screens, face recognition, fingerprint
scanning, motion detection and more come into play for this
visualization of what technology will be to us in just a couple of
One particular element of this jumps out at me – technology
intelligent enough to understand that we are not necessarily the device
we use.
When I’m using an iPhone, I want to be able to immediately and
seamlessly switch to the TV next to me, or the computer on my desk or
the computer in the next office, and I want the device to help me
achieve this.