7Seas Entertainment Ltd, a Hyderabad based game developer has launched a game for the Android mobile platform called The Dark Man. The game is priced at $0.99 (Rs. 55 approx.) but there is a free version that lets you play
10 levels.
Apart from being available on the Google Play
store, the game will also be made available on the Samsung App Store and
the LG Store as well as other alternate app stores that allow users to
download apps on Android devices.
Maruti Sanker, managing director of 7Seas
Entertainment, said, "Priced at $0.99, the game was played by 1.5 crore
gamers online in the last one year. The physics-based puzzle game has 30
levels. For now, it is offered for free with up to 10 levels on a
trial-and-buy mode. The player dons the role of an archer and there are
different interesting targets (apples) on the characters' heads. All a
player needs to do is to shoot the apples off their heads without
shooting the characters to move on to the next level.”
The Dark Man is a simple artillery game of
shooting apple with out hurting the man who holds the apple on his head.
But what makes this game unique is implementing physics in hurdles and
design the levels carefully to make the player excited.
If you are interested in trying out the free version of the game, you can download it here. You can download the full paid version of the game here. This isn’t the first app developed by 7Seas Entertainment Ltd for the Android platform. You can take a look at all the apps from the developer here.
Source : http://www.thinkdigit.com